Invoicing and Suspension Print

  • invoicing, suspension, renewal, termination
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This article covers invoicing policies for Wernerhost hosting accounts, including invoice dates, renewal dates, and overdue policies. 

Renewal Dates (Billing dates)

If you purchased a monthly hosting account on the 25th of the month, your hosting account will renew on the 25th of the following month. The same policy applies to all other available billing cycles. We can change this date for you by request. 

Invoice Dates

Hosting accounts are invoiced 7 days prior to billing date. An invoice notification email is sent out at the time of invoice generation, indicating your current method of payment as well as payment options. 

Invoices are due on the billing date. If you have auto-renewal option enabled for the hosting package, a credit card stored in our system will be charged on the billing date.

Overdue invoices will incur a 10% delinquency fee after 10 days.


Unpaid invoices may result in suspension of your web hosting services. Hosting accounts will be suspended 14 days after the invoice due date. Thus, you have 14 days in total to pay the invoice for the hosting services before your account is suspended. Service will be restored when the invoice is paid.

We will send a notification email regarding unpaid invoices before suspending a past-due account. Your account will be suspended when the final email notification is sent out. These policies provide our customers with ample time to settle their invoices. 


If outstanding balance is not paid within 45 days after the billing date for the package, your hosting account will be terminated for non-payment. For retrieving a hosting account a $15 fee + the full renewal price of the package is to be paid.

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